Virtual Experience SYMUNITY GROUP Statement of Initiative for Virtual Business


Company Name Symunity Inc. (Symunity GROUP)
Business Company
Established 2015.5.11
capital stock 99.84 million yen

CEO Hideaki Takenaka

Director Hideki Nagasaki

Director David Oh

Number of employees 220 employees (Group consolidation)
1926 Started manufacturing and sales of projectors at the first Takenaka Seijiro and Osaka Nihonbashi 2-chome.
1958.8 August Established Takenaka Co Ltd, which manufactures and sells projectors.
1998 Established Digifix Co Ltd, an affiliated video production company.
2000 Change to Digifix Co, Ltd.
2003.2 Opened Takenaka Kyoto Sales Office.
2004.1 Opened Takenaka Tokyo Sales Office.
2005.2 Opened Takenaka Nagoya Sales Office.
2007.2 Opened Shanghai sales office.
2011.5 Started activity for VISUALOGIC.
2012.7 Started activity for Media Interactive.
2015.1 Established Symdirect Inc.
2015.5 Established Sym-Unity Co Ltd in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
2015.8 Ark Ventures Inc. joins the Symunity GROUP.
2016.7 Takenaka Co Ltd join the Symunity GROUP.
Opened the Symunity Group media studio in Suminoe-ku, Osaka.
2016.8 Established Tasc Service Inc.
2016.9 Symdirect Inc. joins the Symunity GROUP.
2017 Started the Symunity GROUP business structure as Osaka and Tokyo are two head offices.
2017.9 Opened the Symunity hard center Tokyo, Kanamachi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.
2017.11 Moved Takenaka Kyoto Sales Office to Fushimi Ward Kuina Station due to business expansion.
2018.4 Opened Ichigaya Office (Symunity Tokyo Lab), Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
2018.8 Task Service Inc. joins the Symunity GROUP.
2019.5 Established Symx Inc.
2019.10 Tepros joins the Symunity GROUP.
2020.8 SYMUNITY xR HYBRID EVENT 2020 held.
2020.10 SYMUNITY MEDIA FORUM 2020 held.
2020.12 Started activity for HAKU.
2021.1 Established SWAG Inc.
2021.10 Started activity for charabola.
Started activity for Quepist.
2021.12 Established ARK Ventures KOREA in Seoul, Korea.
2022.6 PRESSTONE Co.Ltd. joins the Symunity GROUP.
2022.8 Started activity for Permanent Immersive Art-Design(PIA-D).
2022.12 Established SolidWater in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2023.1 Opened the Symunity hard center Osaka, in Suminoe-ku, Osaka.
2023.8 SWAG held an exhibition in Osaka.
2024.1 Moved Takenaka Nagoya Sales Office to Nakamura Ward Kamejima due to business expansion.
2024.3 Established SolidWater in Manila, Philippines.
2024.11 Established SolidWater in Korea.
Member organization

The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry